5-JAN-2023- As of today we have decided to reduce our number of pools to one single pool. CAPEX is going to continue with the usual attention to detail and timely updates. We are hoping to further the decentralization of the Cardano network with this decision. With just one pool operated by us, we are now eligible for the IOG/ Cardano foundation delegation program which might be a great bonus.

1 - JUN-2021 - We are finally finding time to work on the website, adding our own content on subjects like wallets, delegation and rewards. We hope our visual learners enjoy the Cartoons :) Thanks for being patient while the website is under construction!

16-APR-2021- As of 31-MAR-2021, the D-parameter has hit 0 and as previously announced, this means our flexible service fee for the CAPEX pool will increase. The fee has been 0% until now, because we wanted to take the time to build a trustworthy and stable staking pool. We are proud to have achieved this and will continue offering our reliable staking pool services. It is important to us to pay fair wages to our team while being fair to our stakers too. After careful consideration, we have decided to increase the flexible staking fee of CAPEX to 0.9%, which we feel is a competitive and fair rate. Our second staking pool, CAPEY will remain at 0% flexible fee until the Goguen update is fully implemented.

The changes for your rewards will be minimal, but if you have any questions about how these changes will look like, we have made an example calculation in the FAQ section of the website. As usual, we welcome your questions in the Telegram chat group.

11-APR-2021 - We are happy to announce that we now have a FAQ section on our website. While our Telegram chat group will still be available and we look forward to your questions, the website will give an overview of the most frequently asked questions and their answers.